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Welcome to Tater Pictures!

4 years ago

Looks like Utreon has added a post section. Nice! I figure I should make my first post.

Welcome to Tater Pictures: a channel dedicated to making ridiculously random videos. I've been making videos since the early days of Youtube, back in '08. Most of my content was focused on Runescape, with some IRL sketches mixed in the batched. However, I went into a hiatus when I went to college, and later on, joined the Army. I finally came back into content creation in 2020 as a way to exercise the skills I learned in college and past the time while under lockdown restraints of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Utreon is just one of the few distribution points that I use to post content and keep the fans in touch. Links to those sites on in my profile, but I'll also link them in this post. The importance of having multiple distribution points allows for redundancy for the creator, expansion of freedom of expression, and the ability to gain a wider audience.

Redundancy for the creator is important because certain sites can block and remove your content without any explanation whatsoever. This is happened with "The ATF in a Nutshell" video when Youtube blocked it for no reason. I was able to appeal and get the video back on my Youtube channel, but there are stories where creators weren't as lucky. So, having my videos on other sites, like Utreon, allows for my content to continue on.

Freedom of expression is also vital for a content creator to strive. It's the creative drive that allows us to make videos, and in turn, what attracts viewers and creates an audience. Again, looking at Youtube, their Community Guidelines are known to be vague and randomly enforced. This puts creators on edge and makes them less likely to explore certain topics or do certain things without getting that demonization or blocked (or heaven forbid they get a community strike/ban). A lot of platforms do a more laisse-fair approach towards censorship. Though one thing I do like about Utreon is they have a more middle-ground approach, There are rules but they are transparent about the rules.

I also do want to appeal to as large an audience as possible. While Youtube still dominates the internet when it comes to online videos (and I will still be posting on there), there is a market of people who are disdained by Youtube or who don't use that particular platform. So, posting my videos on to as many distribution sites expands my exposure.

So what kind of videos do expect from me? As I say, I make ridiculously random videos. One day, I may post a video about a magic schoolgirl saving the day by shooting the villain with a gun. The following video may be a video about Fredonian Revolution, a short-lived rebellion that happened in East Texas that is said to be the precursor to the Texas Revolution. And then following that, it would be a 5-second shitpost of a video. Ridiculously random.

I do have some series I wish to expand on. Mysterious Mysteries and the Adventure of Kawaii Scout are two series that'll continue to make videos on, though I don't want to milk them for too long. I also do the Crazy Texan that has featured in a few of my shorts and he'll continue to pop up in videos. I'll still continue to make comedic shorts, especially in the animated style that you have seen in The Rescue. But, I also want to do more historical content, specifically around the Texas Revolution. I have had the intention of doing firearm-related content because I do love guns. In fact, some of the ideas I have for that content may even be Utreon exclusive because I don't wish to anger the Youtube gods.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this first post. I'll be posting on here to keep you guys updated on projects I'm working on. Until then, take care, my dudes.

Youtube/The OG Channel: