Wasteland Shuffle Collection
All videos related to the Wasteland Shuffle.
![This Machine Kicks A.R.S.E. (But I don't) [Wasteland Shuffle DLC/M1 Garand Run]](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Nj/lk/Nj/3Wo1l2UGcWk/3Wo1l2UGcWk_cover_360p.jpg)
I did one more run with my M1 Garand and boy, did I suck this run. I did this for fun and not with the intent of this being counted. Since a literation of the M1 Garand is in New Vegas with "This Machine," it's part of the universe and needed to be done. As noted, this challenge was not intended for the M1 Garand in mind. I ran this under the Infantry setup, so I had the challenge of how to shoot 12 rounds per stage with a rifle that can only hold 8 rounds. Since I don't have any modified clips, I figured I would load only 6 rounds per clip since I thought that would be the best balance of retention. Unfortunately, that was still loose enough for my rounds to get out of the clip and during my run, I had to fix my clip. The less optimal clips plus my general lack of training with the rifle gave me a slow time. On the plus side, I was the most accurate with this rifle, hitting 19 out of 24 shots. I also had the technical issue of my POV footage being laggy and out of sync. Part of the reason why I alternated between the POV cam and Target cam. Whenever I do one of these remote challenges again, I need to bring a partner with me to help me film. If you haven't seen my official entry video, I recommend you do: https://youtu.be/G4Z5CCltR_w And if you stumbled on this video wondering, "what the heck is the Wasteland Shuffle?" Well, check out this link right here: https://www.9holereviews.com/post/wastelandshuffle I do plan to do an after-action review video soonish. Basically, I just want to give my thoughts on runs and what loadout I would pick in the Wastelands of Fallout. Until then, check out my channel, watch my content, and subscribed. Also, I recommend you follow me on social medias and whatnot. #wastelandshuffle #fallout #ping Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0CzEXfJp6JZXLvIwfkoCIA Odysee: https://odysee.com/@taterpictures:2

I made it to the training camp and took the NCR's ARSE assessment. Am I able to qualify in the Wasteland's finest or am I brahmin shit? The Wasteland Shuffle is a Fallout-themed remote shooting challenge created by the collaborative minds of 9-Hole Reviews and InRange TV. It's a short course that challenges the shooter's marksmanship and physical endurance. If you would like to participate in the challenge, you can follow the link right here: https://www.9holereviews.com/post/was... Or you can watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW3Q2... And while you are at it, I highly recommend you check out InRange and 9-Hole Reviews. These are both awesome firearm-related channels that produce high-quality content. 9-Hole Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsrK... InRange TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeUN... As far as commentary, I do plan to do a follow-up video to go more in-depth about my runs, and even explain my pick if I had to survive in the Fallout universe. However, I should address a few things. Sorry if the POV footage isn't great. Strapping an action cam on my head was the solution to deal with when doing the shoot without anyone else. I was hoping for that first-person shooter vibe. Unfortunately, the camera didn't shoot where I wanted, so that's frustrating. The actual shooting order is reversed. So, I actually shot the AR10, then the AK, and last the MAS 36. It's also why I didn't have my primary camera pointed at the target because I didn't think about that till after my first run. I had the target cam for the purpose of recording my shots and if I had hit all my shots during my first phase, I could modify my score at post. The reason why I including the AR10 is for three reasons. First, it acts as a control for me since I'm most familiar with the AR platform. I've only shot maybe 100 rounds with the MAS 36 and I haven't shot my AK for over two years (and was zeroed at 50 yards.) Second, it's close to the aesthetic of the NCR service rifle. Aside from being a different caliber and having plastic furniture, it fits the style of an NCR trooper. Lastly, I just wanted to shoot it. I haven't shot much and I need to break it more. I did alright with the rifle. Again, I'm going to go more into detail in a later video. If you like this sort of content, give this video a like and subscribe to my channel. I also highly recommend you follow me through my internet venues. I'm on the Facebooks, the Twitters, as well I share content on Utreon and Odysee.

An NCR recruiter shows up on my doorstep asking me to enlist to fight the Legion. Unfortunately, it seems like I don't have much of a choice. Do I have what it takes to pass the Advance Recruit Selection and Evaluation (A.R.S.E.) Course? We'll have to see. The Wasteland Shuffle is a Fallout-themed remote challenge issued by the collaborative efforts of 9-Hole Reviews and inRange. You are encouraged to try it out and record yourselves doing it. If you want more information about the challenge, I recommend checking out the video at the end or clicking the link below in the description. As for me, do plan to run this with both options plus a bonus run with my Retro AR10, which is much closer to the NCR Infantry loadout*. *Technically, they used AR15/M16 pattern rifles, but it's to the aesthetic. Link to the challenge https://www.9holereviews.com/post/was...