2017 Videos
This is a Playlist for my 2017 Videos.

In This Video: I play my character Logan from T.I.S and some strange things start happening?

In This Video: I got a Free Package of Cold Stone Jelly Beans to Review.

In This Video: Me and Real Reviewz Review a new Pepsi and we also include our dog in the review, but we gave her something else to review.

In This Video: I got the McRib and tell you what my thoughts are on it.

In This Video: I show you my website that I made with Google Sites. Disclaimer: Old Website.

In This Video: I show you how to create an App with Appypie.

In This Video: I attempt to make my own version of Mountain Dew Typhoon.

In This Video: I resume the Bean Boozled Challenge through YouNow and this is part 2. Also this video has been turned into a Montage, so I apologize, but the audio in both Part 1 and 2 have been corrupted.

In This Video: I do a Bean Boozled Challenge through YouNow and this is part 1. Also this video has been turned into a Montage, so I apologize, but the audio in both Part 1 and 2 have been corrupted.