Newest Videos for this Weekend
1 year ago
This is a picture of Sweet Pea whose name has morphed into Sweepy. I'm honestly not sure what I'm calling her but it sure sounds like Sweepy. So... her name is now Sweepy even though she's also a sweet pea. Don't blink to fast or you might miss things. LOL
A couple videos are coming out and the first shows my adventures taking care of 3 flocks during the 12th week of the chicks/pullet's lives. It was a very hot week and I was taking care of my neighbor's chickens as well as mine. It was a very stressful week for me and I wanted to throw my hands in the air. I think I did a couple times but then I splashed water on my face and got over it. ;-)
The second video shows us making modifications... surprise, surprise! I truly felt that the space I had was not going to be big enough for 9 chickens. As time has passed since this modification, I know for sure my fear was justified. Having the new extension has probably saved feather loss and my sanity! We added an extension (6'x10') to the existing kennel (6'x10') giving the chickens a lot more room! Check out how we did it!