xtokashx Custom Project Diva PV Edits

65 videos

A modest list of my custom PV's I've created, collaborated with others, or updated/altered from others using the Project Diva editor and post production video editing.

【Project DIVA F】Working for the Weekender Girl ft Hatsune Miku 1080p【PV Edit by xtokashx】03:44
【Project DIVA F】Working for the Weekender Girl ft Hatsune Miku 1080p【PV Edit by xtokashx】
2 years ago

■ PV: Weekender Girl ■ Song: Working for the Weekend ■ Music & Lyrics: Loverboy ■ PV Edit: xtokashx I don't know why, but whenever I heard the title "Weekender Girl" I always thought of the song "Working for the Weekend". So one day, I thought it would be fun to layer the "Weekender Girl" PV with Loverboy's song to see how well they synced. Well look at that! My gosh, the PV had a hidden dual meaning! I call this concoction "Working for the Weekender Girl"! Enjoy!

Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Scapecoat by HSP feat Miku HoneyWhip05:01
Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Scapecoat by HSP feat Miku HoneyWhip
3 years ago

By request, my Scapecoat PV using the Miku HoneyWhip module. I did some minor tweaks, but it's still the same overall edit.

Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Angel Eyes by ABBA04:21
Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Angel Eyes by ABBA
3 years ago

■ Title: Angel Eyes ■ Artist: ABBA ■ PV: xtokashx ■ Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Elgato HD60 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro For those of you who remember this Project Diva edit, I had to take it down several years ago on YouTube because someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day and decided to mute the audio even though this video was up for over 2 years. So I'm reposting it here now that I've moved platforms.

Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Scapecoat by HSP feat Miku Append04:58
Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Scapecoat by HSP feat Miku Append
3 years ago

By request, I extracted this version of Scapecoat with Miku Append from the 6 hour compilation.

【Dreamy Theater 2nd】ダンサーインザダーク Dancer in the Dark ft Megurine Luka by fatmanP【60fps Recapture】04:34
【Dreamy Theater 2nd】ダンサーインザダーク Dancer in the Dark ft Megurine Luka by fatmanP【60fps Recapture】
fatmanP • 2010
3 years ago

10th Anniversary! ■ Title: Dancer in the Dark ■ Vocals: Megurine Luka ■ Music/Lyrics: fatmanP ■ PV: xtokashx Original PV: https://youtu.be/mrt4TCwQUuQ In 2011 YouTube was not yet supporting 60fps. Because of this, I rendered Dancer in the Dark at 29.97 fps even though the source output and capture was at 59.94fps. For its 10th anniversary I decided to recapture and re-render Dancer in the Dark at the original (and intended) fps of 59.94 as well as fix the interpolation. This resulted in a cleaner, smoother look and is the way I would have posted it had YouTube supported 60fps back in the day. I know some people will say they still like the original or perhaps they can't really tell the difference from the original and that's perfectly fine. Like George Lucas, I'll go back and monkey with my original work to create something new but unlike George Lucas I'll still keep the original work available for everyone. xP Enjoy! xtokashx Hardware: PSP PS3 Elgato HD60 Capture PC Intel i7 6700K Software: Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd for PSP (English mod v2.8, translated by Einishi) Dreamy Theater 2nd for PS3 Sony Vegas v13 (titles, video editing, masking, rendering)

Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Flashdance... What A Feeling by Irene Cara ft. Meiko03:55
Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit - Flashdance... What A Feeling by Irene Cara ft. Meiko
Irene Cara / Giorgio Moroder et al. • 1983
4 years ago

■ Title: Flashdance... What A Feeling ■ Vocals: Irene Cara ■ Music: Giorgio Moroder ■ Lyrics: Keith Forsey / Irene Cara ■ PV: xtokashx ■ Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Elgato HD60 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro It has been over 10 years since I uploaded my very first abomination of a Project Diva edit in 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckAIH7dpSHM (Candy or Dreams by doriko) And it's been over one and a half years since my last edit upload. It's obvious my motivation to create them has declined tremendously. The seed is still there as it somehow sprouted and took root once more when I heard this song again recently and since I last heard it so many years ago. But like my first edit, this is a back-to-basics, straight-forward, and relatively simple one with one character (Meiko) and nothing too fancy. Most everything is done in the Project Diva editor with some limited post-production for fixing small sections, adding a crossfade, enhancing the silhouette effect, and adding some titles. Like this song implies, stay upbeat and positive, be optimistic, and don't let the craziness of this world get you down. "What a feeling" it has been over this last decade. xtokashx

Mamma Mia by KARA - A Project Diva F 2nd PV by xtokashx03:42
Mamma Mia by KARA - A Project Diva F 2nd PV by xtokashx
KARA • 2014
5 years ago

Rest in peace Hara: 11/24/2019 ■ Title: Mamma Mia ■ Artist: KARA ■ PV: xtokashx ■ Original MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tK0XUQQ3wA ■ Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Elgato HD60 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro I took my inspiration from the original music video wanting to replicate it in flow and feel. I represented the original KARA singers to the following vocaloid characters as close as possible: Miku = Hara Luka = Seungyeon Rin = Youngji Meiko = Gyuri With 270 scenes crammed in less than 220 seconds, and editing over 6500 frames almost frame by frame, and using post production effects, this is one of my most ambitious edits yet and took an immense amount of time. A thank you to my friend Shinji who helped be my video "proof-reader" and held me to the "Rule of Thirds", a guideline of art which, when followed appropriately, enhances visual presentation and composition. Please enjoy and if you do, hit the like button and leave a comment. Cheers, xtokashx Butterfly Green Screen effects from: Easy CG Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxlVnXcogQdFNyM2fhg6Lw freeGfx: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Pu6pGkPEWe5s6nc9TyEOw Particle effects from: Amazing iDeas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4h2Pp5e42_c-1cK1H00ddg

【Project DIVA F 2nd】accidentally by EZFG ft Kaito Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】03:50
【Project DIVA F 2nd】accidentally by EZFG ft Kaito Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】
7 years ago

■ Title: accidentally ■ Music: EZFG https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCesCUsVVhpgR1inZzLFrUsA http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/15605108 ■ PV Edit: xtokashx ■ Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Elgato HD60 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro Original MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKtvZi1aDZQ niconico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30930195 I was introduced to this song by fellow Luka worshipper, YbioloidY, where he suggested I make a PV for it. When I heard it, I knew I wanted to. But as usual, ideas and inspiration were hard to come by and it would take 3 months to complete. There is a deleted scene that I took out at the last minute because I thought it would be too sexually explicit. I'm sure some people may find the current PV already too explicit anyway, but no more than the song already is in my opinion. Much thanks and arigatos to EZFG for making such awesome music. And a thank you to YbioloidY for calling my attention to this song. Enjoy! xtokashx Extra: I believe this song is a sequel to "Even If I Keep Getting Turned Down" with Kaito and Meiko and also from EZFG. I couldn't find it on his channel, but it's posted on another Youtube channel with russian lyrics (and another with spanish lyrics): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOTBf8OzFec This song has a slightly different pace, but still a good hard beat that keeps your toes tapping. And as much as I think Meiko needs more love, no I won't be making a PV for this for those of you wondering. English translation by Hazuki no Yume: http://vocaloidlyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Accidentally I was going to add the translated English lyrics to the video, however Hazuki has a policy of not allowing her translations be subbed on videos that are not from the original composer. Instead, I'll just insert them here: Another morning as always has come, with its clear air and affected refreshingness. I’ve gotten used to being turned down, and I’ve started looking at everything cynically, hopelessly. Just when I was thoroughly fed up with being overly tense, as if always trying to read others’ unconscious mind, as if a single mistake could cost me my life, we met, accidentally. You hit my cheek violently with your hair tied on the back of your head. Leaving me with your scent and this pain, you’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world. If only I hadn’t turned around back then and could have remained oblivious to the joy I gave you… It’s the same morning as always, yet my heart is dancing in my chest, for I still remember it. I tended to avoid reality, but now I’ve realized it does hold a definite power within it. If I can’t bring myself to write out the word “hope”; if I’ve already thoroughly despaired of this world, then how come we’re coming across each other again? Accidentally, frighteningly so. With your hair tied in two, you hit my cheeks repeatedly and violently. That superhuman feat took me by surprise, and I was able to get out of the rut I’ve been stuck in. With you wanting it and me getting a kick out of it, if only I could douse myself with the emotions gushing out of me. It’s something only we can understand. It’s not something you can easily categorize as good or evil. It’s a little of a gray area. Please, if you don’t mind. No matter whether it’s out of sympathy or misunderstanding, I don’t care—I just want it. When did everything become so crazy? Gently fluttering, most gracefully. Anyway, just hit my cheek with the hair tied on the back of your head. That level where it doesn’t hurt is no longer enough to satisfy me. Almost foolishly, we’re falling in too deep. (Hit my cheek.) (Hit them repeatedly and violently.) What can I do before both of us break down? (Anyway, just hit my cheek.) Leaving me with your scent and this pain, you’ve completely disappeared before me. It’s been a while since I last saw you. Short hair looks good on you, too.

【Project DIVA F 2nd】Stop Me by HSP (鼻そうめんP) / yuiko ft Megurine Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】05:55
【Project DIVA F 2nd】Stop Me by HSP (鼻そうめんP) / yuiko ft Megurine Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】
7 years ago

■ Title: Stop Me ■ Music: HSP (鼻そうめんP) ■ Lyrics: yuiko ■ PV Edit: xtokashx ■ Hardware/Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 / Sony Vegas 13 Pro WARNING: This PV contains a lot of effects and strobing so please use discretion when viewing. HSP Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLww4xTaLWjpESsK2HzkkcA Original PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNm8XwDRi4k I love the 80's sound and style of HSP's stuff. "Stop Me" is no exception and one of my favorite songs from him and one of the few where he uses Luka. I started this edit about 2 years ago, but like most edits, it sat on my PS3 unfinished. I worked on it on and off, but the song is almost 6 minutes long and it seemed to take forever to get through it. There isn't much of a premise to it other than Luka singing and dancing with a lot of effects. There's a number of things in it that are still unfinished or unpolished and could use more work. Also because of the post-production effects, Youtube poops all over it with its notoriously bad re-compression and a lot of scenes end up looking very pixelated and blocky, particularly during scene transitions. But I've exhausted my inspiration and I wanted to just get this done and out of the way. So here it is in its unfinished glory... Enjoy! xtokashx

The Phantom Of The Opera feat. Hatsune Miku and Kaito (PV Edit by xtokashx)04:35
The Phantom Of The Opera feat. Hatsune Miku and Kaito (PV Edit by xtokashx)
8 years ago

■ Title: The Phantom Of The Opera ■ Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber ■ Lyrics: Charles Hart, Richard Stilgoe ■ Instrumental Cover: Matthijs Koene ■ Hatsune Miku V3 English and KAITO V3 English VSQX: METAx ■ Cover Art: Cleopatrawolf ■ PV Edit: xtokashx For this PV edit, it was my original intention to use the OST from the Broadway musical with the original cast of Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. But when I heard this version on METAx's Youtube channel, I knew I had to use it instead. There are a number of vocaloid versions for Phantom of the Opera on Youtube. But I challenge anyone to find a better tuned version than METAx. The English is clear, the subtle human vocal inflections and natural pitch bending on attack and release, and the fact that Miku's voice sounds almost human and naturally operatic when she sings the "ahhh's" for the Phantom (Kaito) at the end is simply amazing and I've rarely heard finer and more realistic tuning in any other vocaloid song. At first, I did wish the instrumental cover was different as the flute which carries the melody sometimes gets a bit loud and distracts from the awesome pitch tuning performance. But after I had listened to it over and over and over while making the PV, it grew on me and eventually I didn't even notice it as it blended in with everything else. My hats off and thanks to METAx. Visit his channel and check out some of his other vocaloid productions as this isn't his only amazing work. I've also posted PV's with his versions of "Systematic Love" and "Party Junkie" both with Luka: https://www.youtube.com/user/metaX12028 Original "Phantom of the Opera" post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puA18Scw1bc Also a grateful "thank you" to Cleopatrawolf in sharing her talents to create the wonderful cover art thumbnail for my edit. You can visit her channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/Cleopatrawolf xtokashx

【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm【PV Edit by xtokashx】03:14
【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm【PV Edit by xtokashx】
8 years ago

Don M. T., a subscriber, was wanting more love for Meiko so I offered to capture any PDF2 or PDX in-game or edit PV for him using his choice of modules. This is what he chose. It came out much better than I thought...Meiko can rock it! For details on this PV edit I created, you can visit the original with Rin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN-q1U3i83k

PDF2nd PV Edit Redux - Midnight by The Birthday Massacre ft Luka Miku Rin03:45
PDF2nd PV Edit Redux - Midnight by The Birthday Massacre ft Luka Miku Rin
8 years ago

This was a quick experiment with an earlier edit of mine to see if 2 things can be done with custom module hacking in Project DIVA F 2nd: 1) Use modded modules in a custom edit 2) Use the same module body simultaneously with different heads Conclusion: It works!

Project DIVA F 2nd - Party Junkie by Satsuki ga Tenkomori ft Megurine Luka08:48
Project DIVA F 2nd - Party Junkie by Satsuki ga Tenkomori ft Megurine Luka
8 years ago

■ Title: Party Junkie ■ Music & Lyrics: Satsuki ga Tenkomori (さつき が てんこもり) ■ Luka V4X Cover: METAx (https://www.youtube.com/user/metaX12028) ■ PV Edit: ete-koji (http://www.youtube.com/user/ETEKOJI) ■ Lip Sync and co-edit adjustments: xtokashx ■ Hardware/Software: Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 (converted from PDF Japan ver.) After posting up "Systematic Love" using METAx's Luka cover, I poked around his channel and also found a Luka cover of "Party Junkie" that he also did. It can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsgD1wgLCJk Buried deep in my Project DIVA F saves was an edit of "Party Junkie" by ete-koji which he had posted up over 3 years ago. It can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z1rFhd25Vg (I also had posted up a 1080p version on my channel). So, I thought I would dig it back up and merge these works together. As usual, something that I thought would be simple turned out to be much more work than I anticipated. I loved the cover that METAx had already created, but there were just a couple spots in the song that sounded off-key where Luka stuttered "pa-pa-pa-party junkie!!" (~0:26 and 3:05). METAx said he no longer had the vsq file to be able to edit it, so that left me with only two choices...posting it up as-is or re-recording those spots on my own and inserting/replacing it in the audio file. I decided to go ahead and "fix" it. An audiophile might be able to pick up the insertion cuts, but it's close enough for me and sounds much better I think. I totally saw in my mind's eye Hard Rock Luka dancing to this...or even her Witch Style module (I ended up capturing both). But those were only available in PDF2nd. So I had to convert the PDF edit file which was in the Japanese version to PDF English, then from there convert it to PDF2nd (thankfully the latter was easy using the game's built-in functionality). After replacing the Miku module with Luka I found a few camera issues. I proceeded to polish up the motions to be more in sync with the music. And last but certainly not least, I inserted more dynamic facial expressions and rebuilt the lip sync from scratch. If you've already seen the original by ete-koji a while ago, then you watch this version, you probably won't notice much difference other than the voice and module changes. But if you were to put them side-by-side, the changes would become much more apparent. Either way, it's an awesome edit by ete-koji and an awesome cover by METAx. I just joined them together in holy matrimony and inserted a little of my own visual flair. XD Enjoy!

Project DIVA F 2nd Gameplay - Dancer in the Dark by fatmanP ft Megurine Luka04:22
Project DIVA F 2nd Gameplay - Dancer in the Dark by fatmanP ft Megurine Luka
8 years ago

■ Title: Dancer in the Dark ■ Music & Lyrics: fatmanP ■ Album: EX:P2 ~Ex:Producers2~ ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ Project Diva F 2nd Gameplay: n1tr0t0m https://www.youtube.com/user/n1tr0t0m ■ Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit: xtokashx Here's a demo of the "Hard" difficulty created by n1tr0t0m. It's the only one I can play on short notice where I can score a Perfect for now. I'll leave it up to others to work Extreme and SUICIDE. My joysticks on my controller are getting loose causing some "double flicks" where I only flick once, but luckily it didn't cost me a perfect this time. n1tr0 has also created 3 other difficulties; Extreme, SUICIDE, and Normal??? The "Normal???" difficulty is actually abnormal in some spots where instead of syncing with the music, it syncs with the sound effects...so you will need the sound effects MP3 to play it correctly. Many thanks once again to n1tr0t0m for his contribution and hard work to this project's gameplay! Download and play your preferred region and difficulty!... PDF2nd English Version PSN UserID: xtokashx_usa_02 HARD Upload ID: aqnvqVkg7P&A%A!hPLbXby EXTREME Upload ID: vPwidkRqamgMMPnave6U6X SUICIDE Upload ID: g%tae?f%dpTbjkXuQnP&tx NORMAL??? UploadID: jE#8a#PytaT?nxcgB7N5qy PDF2nd Japanese Version PSN UserID: xtokashx_usa HARD Upload ID: 5f3VLRFac&JmbuUSFfaqBx EXTREME Upload ID: ?8A6mnZU!TohMp84e%!c?w SUICIDE Upload ID: yJNfBbMU3Kgm!%SNPKLjBx NORMAL??? UploadID: 7acsW6sK3NDaB7#GJwHcpw MP3 with Sound Effects: picosong.com/zzGe Original MP3 picosong.com/T3ai

Project DIVA F 2nd PV Edit- Dancer in the Dark by fatmanP ft Megurine Luka - 5th Anniversary Edition04:05
Project DIVA F 2nd PV Edit- Dancer in the Dark by fatmanP ft Megurine Luka - 5th Anniversary Edition
8 years ago

■ Title: Dancer in the Dark ■ Music & Lyrics: fatmanP ■ Album: EX:P2 ~Ex:Producers2~ ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit: xtokashx ■ Original Dreamy Theater PV Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrt4TCwQUuQ It's been 5 years since I created the original Project DIVA PV in Dreamy Theater 2nd. And I remember committing to creating a 5th anniversary edition in PDF2nd around this time last year. There have been a number of you as well that have suggested, hinted, or just flat out requested that I re-make this PV. But honestly, I had it in my mind to do it either way. This version is a post-production PV of the gameplay version which is available for download from the Project DIVA F 2nd network. If you're interested in playing the gameplay version, created by the incomparable n1tr0t0m, you can go to the following link for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms83POqcHBc Many thanks to dappleback who helped implant the concept of the original PV in my head allowing me to make it come to life.

【Project DIVA F 2nd】Lie by Circus-P feat. Megurine Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】03:20
【Project DIVA F 2nd】Lie by Circus-P feat. Megurine Luka【PV Edit by xtokashx】
9 years ago

■ Title: Lie ■ Music: Circus-P https://www.youtube.com/user/VocaCircus ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ PV Edit: xtokashx Have you ever been in a relationship that was based on lies? I have, and there's nothing more hurtful and painful when you're lied to by someone you love, especially when you find out the ultimate lie, that the person you loved never really loved you at all in return. Circus-P's masterpiece song "Lie", Mike Inel's masterpiece animation for it, as well as my own personal experience has given me inspiration for this edit. The song is about Luka's relationship with Gumi as it's an extension/sequel to the song "I (Love)" also by Circus-P: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InxwGZ_PgC4 But in this PV, Luka is confused and in denial about the state of her relationship with Kaito and there is contention between them. On the surface is the lie Luka tells herself that everything is fine. But hidden in her heart is the truth. PLEASE NOTE: I do NOT advocate suicide in any form. I use it here in this edit as a symbolic act of Luka ending her relationship with Kaito because of the guilt and blame she has caused herself due to her own dishonesty within the relationship. If you are having suicidal tendencies, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 1-800-273-8255 THANK YOU ■ A big thanks and hugs to my friend and fellow collaborator ET13 who always supports my efforts and even helped out with a few seconds of one part of this edit where I was getting stumped. ■ Circus-P for writing this musical masterpiece ■ Mike Inel for his inspirational and original PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1xicOvYd3Q https://www.youtube.com/c/mikeinel ■ To one of my long-time subscribers, NAANsoft, who first recommended this song as a PV edit almost a year ago. Although It wasn't until recently that I found the inspiration to complete it, it was always on my list to do at some point. I just needed a reason to push me.

【Project DIVA F 2nd】My Immortal by Evanescence ft Luka Kaito Len 【PV Edit by Rinna / xtokashx】04:37
【Project DIVA F 2nd】My Immortal by Evanescence ft Luka Kaito Len 【PV Edit by Rinna / xtokashx】
Evanescence • 2003
9 years ago

■ Title: My Immortal ■ Music: Evanescence ■ Album: Fallen ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit: Rinna / xtokashx Here's another collab edit. Rinna is the main editor and I helped with cleanup, motion sync, and lip sync. You can watch more of Rinna's edits at her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUrUWxMitRrDYDMPfFkq8Fw

【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm !!!GAMEPLAY FOR PS3 ONLY!!!03:28
【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm !!!GAMEPLAY FOR PS3 ONLY!!!
Halestorm • 2012
9 years ago

■ Title: I Miss The Misery ■ Music: Halestorm ■ Album: The Strange Case Of... ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit: xtokashx ■ Project Diva F 2nd Gameplay: n1tr0t0m https://www.youtube.com/user/n1tr0t0m PV Only: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN-q1U3i83k The edit and gameplay for "I Miss The Misery" in Project DIVA F 2nd is now available for download in both English and Japanese versions. BUT.... WARNING: FOR PS3 ONLY! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DOWNLOAD AND PLAY ON THE PSVITA, IT *WILL* CRASH IT. Because of this, I will not make these edits public. You'll need to download them using the Upload ID's below. PDF2nd English Version HARD Upload ID: 4&KWvNUFHztaKcBbNsiLqy EXTREME Upload ID: +uG?IDY8r&ybA4Yq#5eZ?z PDF2nd Japanese Version HARD: Upload ID: X7utBBix%dZTTA3y2eX?Hy EXTREME Upload ID: #pFmP8E97&xmpoyefMZwqx MODULES: Rin: Black Star (DLC purchase and download from Playstation Store) Len: Blue Moon (DLC purchase and download from Playstation Store) Kaito: Guilty (Clear Cantarella on Hard to unlock) MP3: Use youtube-mp3.org to convert MP3 from the Official Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpJAmlnBxoA Do NOT use mp3 from the album as it will NOT sync up. TLDR NOTES: So there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the gameplay for "I Miss The Misery" is released for both the English and Japanese versions of the game. The bad news is that it is for the PS3 only. If you try to load this up on your Vita, it will crash it. It won't harm it, but it will freeze/lock it up and you'll be forced to do a hard shutdown and reboot. However, I am not responsible if you want to be dumb and try it and it does end up bricking your Vita. "Why?" do you ask. Well, the PS3 has far more memory and processing capacity than the Vita. But to keep the game compatible for both the PS3 and Vita, the Project Diva developers had to "dumb down" the edit save file to be compatible for the Vita, even though the PS3 can handle much more. This is why there is a % indicator for Placements and Video memory. These are set to the Vita's limits and not the PS3's. Hacking into the edit save file allows for the ability to add additional backgrounds and motions beyond the in-game maximum memory capacity which the PS3 can play just fine. But the other drawback of hacking into the edit file and exceeding the memory capacity then makes it impossible to do any further edits or changes to the edit via the in-game interface as it won't allow saving an edit file that exceeds 100% capacity in either Placement or Video memory. So the hack must be the very last thing I do. PITA... The benefit of all this is having an edit with more variety. This edit has 6 backgrounds, 3 characters, and a bunch of motions, which far exceeds the 100% video capacity allowed by the game. When you use 3 characters in an edit, you'd be lucky to be allowed 2 full 3D backgrounds, and that's if you use the lower % memory ones. I apologize to Vita only owners who want to play this and can't. I'm sure to get a few thumbs down for it...ah well. Again, a huge "thank you" to n1tr0t0m for his help and effort in creating these gameplays! xtokashx

【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm【PV Edit by xtokashx/Gameplay by n1tr0t0m】03:14
【Project DIVA F 2nd】I Miss The Misery by Halestorm【PV Edit by xtokashx/Gameplay by n1tr0t0m】
Halestorm • 2012
9 years ago

■ Title: I Miss The Misery ■ Music: Halestorm ■ Album: The Strange Case Of... ■ Software: Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 by SEGA / Crypton Future Media, Inc. ■ Project Diva F 2nd PV Edit: xtokashx ■ Project Diva F 2nd Gameplay: n1tr0t0m https://www.youtube.com/user/n1tr0t0m 2016 has been a difficult year for me so far and I've been unable to focus on creating edits as much as I would like. However with some due diligence, I managed to complete this one over a period of almost a couple months. n1tr0t0m has once again come through and collaborated with me in making the gameplay for this PV. He has created two difficulties, Hard (7.5 stars) and Extreme (10 stars). These are available for download from the Project DIVA F 2nd network. So again, a huge thank you to him for his help and efforts! Download information for the PV and gameplay is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_JWrUBenC4 I rarely take requests and in fact this is only the second time I made an edit from someone else's suggestion, but this song clicked for me and I could "feel" it before I started on it...which is important for me to be able to make a quality edit. So a big thank you to Triple G who was the one who offered up the suggestion for it. Please feel free to leave a comment and like or dislike. xtokashx

【Project DIVA F 2nd】Distorted Princess Gameplay - All Difficulties Comparison and Download Info12:40
【Project DIVA F 2nd】Distorted Princess Gameplay - All Difficulties Comparison and Download Info
8#Prince • 2010
9 years ago

The gameplay for "Distorted Princess" is available for download from both Project DIVA F 2nd networks; NA/EUR and Japanese. For those new to the world of Project DIVA, the game is Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd for the PS3 and PSVita. There are 3 versions of 3 difficulties in 2 separate regions making for a total of 18 possible selections! You read that right...18! Hard/Extreme/Extreme+: The original 3 gameplays as created by mistieue in Project DIVA 2nd and converted for Project DIVA F 2nd by n1tr0t0m Hard Fixed/Extreme Fixed/Extreme+ Fixed: The original gameplay with some minor corrections and adjustments by n1tr0t0m to better fit the rhythm of the song Hard n1tr0/Extreme n1tr0/SUICIDE n1tr0: All original gameplay created by n1tr0t0m All edits can be downloaded from the PSN User ID (Online ID Search): xtokashx_usa_01 MP3 Link: picosong.com/QXZh Notes: This entire project was a labor of love for me. Without that love, I would never have been able to finish this as there were a few times that some setbacks made things impossible to bear and I almost wanted to quit. But persistence paid off and I hope it is reflected in the accuracy of the work. I wish to thank Lilo (りろ) and mistieue for their contribution to the world of Project DIVA edits and the influence it has played in my own world of editing. I also wish again to give a big "THANK YOU" and shout out to n1tr0t0m who also patiently and painstakingly persevered in replicating the original gameplay and then went on to create his own. It was a lot of work that he voluntarily committed to and I deeply appreciate the generosity of his time and effort in helping bring the gameplay aspect of the edit to life. And to those remnant few who actually download and play this edit, please enjoy! xtokashx Other Links: Original Project DIVA 2nd PV and gameplay post by Lilo/mistieue: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16003527 Project DIVA F 2nd PV remake by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHooFsKlBjE Side-by-side comparison of PV versions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu4w-M-cuNI