
3 videos

Leopard AS1 MBT (Battlefield Vegas)19:32
Leopard AS1 MBT (Battlefield Vegas)
3 years ago

Scott from Battlefield Vegas takes us through the history of the Australian Leopard AS1 Main Battle Tank. Then Richie from Battlefield Vegas tells us what its like to drive this agile tank. On a couple technical notes, this tank is a "replica" AS1 built from a Leopard 1A5BE and the Australian AS1's would have been equipped with MG3's rather than FN MAGs as scene here. If you are in Las Vegas and want to see this tank in person, check out www.Battlefieldvegas.com This video was filmed at The Big Sandy Shoot. Held twice a year in northwestern Arizona, you wont find a larger gathering of machine gun shooters anywhere else. Check them out at http://www.bigsandyshoot.com/ If you like the History In Firearms content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. All funds go to expanding and improving content from the project. https://www.patreon.com/historyinfirearms For more information on historic firearms, head on over to http://www.HistoryInFirearms.com Chapters: 00:00 Leopard history 07:32 Australian Leopard 14:49 Driving the Leopard 16:43 Firepower Demonstration

IDF M50 Sherman (Battlefield Vegas)16:28
IDF M50 Sherman (Battlefield Vegas)
4 years ago

Scott from Battlefield Vegas takes us through the history of their Israeli Defense Force M50 Sherman tank that is veteran of multiple conflicts. If you are in Las Vegas and want to see this tank in person, check out www.Battlefieldvegas.com This video was filmed at The Big Sandy Shoot. Held twice a year in northwestern Arizona, you wont find a larger gathering of machine gun shooters anywhere else. Check them out at http://www.bigsandyshoot.com/ For more information on historic firearms, head on over to http://www.HistoryInFirearms.com If you like the History In Firearms content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. All funds go to expanding and improving content from the project. https://www.patreon.com/historyinfirearms Here are the links to organizations that have helped make experiencing this piece of history possible. Eden Camp https://www.edencamp.co.uk/ National Museum of American in Wartime https://www.nmaw.org/

Battlefield Vegas M4A3 Sherman Tank11:18
Battlefield Vegas M4A3 Sherman Tank
5 years ago

Scott from Battlefield Vegas takes us through the history of their M4A3 Sherman tank that is a WWII and Iwo Jima veteran. If you are in Las Vegas and want to see this tank in person, check out Battlefieldvegas.com This video was filmed at The Big Sandy Shoot. Held twice a year in northwestern Arizona, you wont find a larger gathering of machine gun shooters anywhere else. Check them out at http://www.bigsandyshoot.com/ For more information on historic firearms, head on over to http://www.HistoryInFirearms.com If you like the History In Firearms content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. All funds go to expanding and improving content from the project. https://www.patreon.com/historyinfirearms