Once monthly, for the time being, I will be releasing a Fire Emblem Unit Tier List. Going in...

Fire Emblem Four #Genealogy Of The Holy War! The Let's Play I decided to delve into next. This...

Expect much more to come in the future with decks, builds, matches in ranked, matches with...

A duo of Let's Plays from two particular games in the Fire Emblem Franchise, are soon to be...

In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2023, FE5 is coming to your screen!
Look forward to my very first top five ranking video within the coming weeks!
Pokémon Scarlet is one of the most highly anticipated games of this whole year, for me especially!
I'm currently working on compiling a variety of #Clips for this channel! Why call them Clips and...
Lance, Dagger, Bow, Torch, Scythe, Axe, Triblade, or Bracelet? Which is your favorite weapon in...
This Friday, the 2nd of September, Gamerman Zeake will finally be published on Utreon! I am...