Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance (Difficult Mode)
Join me as I endeavor to demonstrate that even on the highest of difficulties, pre-promotes are a blast, and shouldn't be avoided just because they aren't growth units (by and large) and lack some levels to gain! What most of them offer in the franchise, is usually worth passing up on some grinding! Unfortunately, in the infinite "wisdom" of Intelligent Systems, pre-promoted Sages are heavily nerfed in this entry... Allowing NONE of them the staff utility characters like; Ced, Pent and Saleh have afforded me so many times in other games! Due to this, some caveats have been made and two units have been pre-selected to fill in the necessary "early" and mid-game staff utility that I will surely need! I won't be gaining a pre-promoted staff unit until chapter 26! Strange decisions indeed. This is shaping up to be a fun run! Who do you think I have chosen for the two roles of healer? Find out with me in short order, as my LP of FE9 in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2023, begins!

The finale of this LP is here and upon us! I truly appreciate the opportunity to show off FE9 from my own gaming perspective. Much more to come, as I have no intentions of letting up! Stay tuned! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Ashnard is defeated! Aether is powerful! And all is well in Tellius, except for Ike... Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Reaching the final map, witnessing the boss himself, in all his terror... And ability to use smite? Intriguing. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Gritnea falls by my glorious leadership! Now I have obtained the best of thunder magics the Tellius entries can provide... A far cry from Dire Thunder, wouldn't you say? Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Fighting against a ferocious feral army, lead by a pretty respectable sage... And dragons! Not only do I fight a few of them, I also gain one in my party, depending on the outcome of the Black Knight fight. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Aether is scripted! It must be! I'm telling you, this isn't a conspiracy theory... Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

This Moment Of Fate has supplied me with two top notch enemies, and it is pretty obvious who the second shall be! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Bertram has been defeated... Or has he?! Fort Pinell is fallen, and now onto the "final" defensive line Daein has laid in Crimea. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

The battle of dread for many an FE9 player, I'm mulling through Clash! Taking out the most ferocious of Daein warriors with a warrior of Daein all my own! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

One of my favorite playable units in this game, is now here! Ready for all of her staff and magic sword utility! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Meeting the most interesting wyvern boss in the entire series, I must head uphill with my cavalcade of warriors and defeat this devious Daein ambush! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

The knights of Crimea are now under my command! I am quite blessed with able-bodied folks willing to take down Daein! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Balistae everywhere! Follow me as I march my army up to the defense of Geoffrey and his esteemed knights! The Galzus Mechanic has returned... Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

She protests! We must save the knights at Delbray. I agree honestly. Sometimes, the risk is warranted. Especially when lives are at stake! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Petrine has ceased to be... Unfortunate, but necessary! Now to move on to bigger and better goals! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Arriving at this grand landmark between Crimea and Daein, I come to my first true confrontation with an army led by one of Mad King Ashnard's four riders! How shall this battle pan out? Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Running through the Palmeni temple, I find some interesting facts about the motives behind this war and the assassination of the previous Begnion apostle, which spurred the burning of Serenes Forest... Unfortunate that didn't occur to the other aptly named "forest." Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Is it a temple, is it a shrine? Will this game make up its mind? Find out, this time on Dragon Balll... Wait a minute... That doesn't sound right at all! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Something I have discovered over the years, the only folks who truly love something, want to see that something improve. If you have no criticisms of the imperfect commodities you consume as entertainment, you do not have a passion in the field you reside. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Finally reaching the throne room and facing... A dragon instead of the king of Daein?! Very strange. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.