Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
The final entry in the Tellius series of Fire Emblem games... And a truly divisive and unique addition at that! Radiant Dawn seeks to blast apart some of the series conventions much of us have come to know and love, without necessarily bastardizing the formula, like more recent installments. This LP is going to encompass some familiar faces, as I fight my way through normal difficulty. One of these days, I'll get around to a hard mode LP, but for now I shall be showcasing the game as it should be played in most instances.

The Greil mercenaries' story finished, the wars ended, the characters wrapped up... What a crazy ride in Fire Emblem! On to bigger and better things! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

The final boss is here, and finished so soon?! That is par the norm of this franchise. I enjoy the fact that if you are intelligent and make the proper decisions, you can trivialize a lot of Fire Emblem. There was once a time in video games where cheat codes and secrets as well as built in exploits were standard on every game to some degree... Nowadays you just buy your way through gaming with exploitative pay-to-win offerings. It does not take a rocket scientist to see why I love older games. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Though I have defeated Lehran in just a couple of turns, this does not at all dimmish the intrigue of this particular boss-fight. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Do I defeat Lehran in one turn or no? What is your bet? Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

He has been defeated! And now, Kurthnaga is crowned the new king of Goldoa! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Storming the Tower of Guidance, my team comes to hard stop against one of the toughest bosses in the series! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Yes, this is truly the last fight that General Zelgius - the one and only Black Knight - shall partake in! Gone for good... Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

A bit of a grind is in store for Ena And Kurth... Honestly, aside from bonus exp, there is no way to make them competent without this so called grinding... What's worse is that you cannot use arms scrolls on laguz. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Lekain has some truly interesting power. It is my great curiosity as to why someone of his level of evil would be chosen to fight for this blanker. Contrived. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Five brand new units, alongside much preparations, and one of the latest promotions in the entire series! Careful! You can only choose TEN units other than the six required and one Heron. Make those choices beforehand, remove all items and skills from folks you are not using. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Finally, the three teams have met up and converged to take on the final challenge of this LP! Or challenges?! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Finally confronting that dastardly Izuka! Pelleas is such a good judge of character, am I right? Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Strange happenings are going on nowadays... Don't lose Rafiel! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

An awful lot of mistakes were made in the making of this episode... But, that is alright! I do not claim to be an expert on games, but an enthusiast who loves the games he plays! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

One of thee latest re-recruitments in the entire series. Only outdone by good ol' Eyvel. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Hey! I have been here before, haven't I? Keep my Herons away! Or should I? Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

A desert chapter in Fire Emblem? Whatever could this mean? Free stuff! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Finally, I may be relieved of this lunatic's existence. Defeated, gone and never to return... Unlike another interesting senator who will make an artful reappearance very soon... Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

Finally getting a crack at a chapter with the Hawk army. Almost all of the units I am employing are flying units, which make this chapter utterly a breeze... Be mindful of crossbows! Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.

The disciples of order strike again! In the middle of the night no less. Unfortunately for them, this just so happens to be the most powerful team under my control. Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.