Top Five!
Top Five lists of all kinds! From favorites, to least favorites of the many gaming series I love!

Today, I endeavor to explain my biases towards my favorite Fire Emblem games! A series that I have loved since childhood, I thought it finally time to turn on a spotlight and shed some thoughts about what makes these games great! It's a shame that the series is dying in my opinion and no longer represents what it stood for so long ago... But the older titles can still be loved and enjoyed to their fullest! Music in this video brought to you by: Overclock Remixes! The particular mix I used was: Geneology of the Holy War, "Reunion." Thank you for joining me! Games, games and games some more! Stick around for content you just may like! This is a no nonsense gaming channel dedicated to wholesome gaming, gameplay, and gamers represented as best as possible. If you enjoy my content... Please; Upvote, Share, Comment and Follow to stay up to date with all my future uploads and releases! This helps my channel a lot, and I surely appreciate all the support I receive. Have a great and glorious day, gaming! John 3:16-21 Authorized.